where the idea came from

Lasagnas on the Road


As a child, I always wanted to be a cook.   Since when I used to spend my afternoons watching my grandmother Margherita do her magic and my childhood dreams were filled with the smells and colours of her delicious and heart-warmingly comforting culinary creations that’s what I wanted to be.


It was her passion, I think.   You could see it in her eyes, when she chose her vine-ripened tomatoes from her trusted market stall or when she asked her butcher for the best cut of meat that she would then mince at home or when she spent hours slow-cooking her flavour-packed ragù sauce to absolute perfection.

And her lasagna.   Yes, that was the deal-clincher for me.
Her wonderfully tasty, sauce-dripping, thickly-layered homemade lasagna.
So simple, yet so mouth-watering good.


Life, however, had other plans and my love for all things creative led me to setting up my own graphic design agency and cooking became ‘only’ a favourite pastime.

That’s until fate decided otherwise and a move from Italy to the UK finally got me into the food business good and proper. It didn’t take me long to realise that that was exactly where I wanted to be.

Combining my young boy’s dreams, my passion for good homemade food and my creative nature, Lasagnas on the Road was born.